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World of WOW

What is your favorite word? Is it WOW? Kotler defines it as: (1) surprising; (2) personal and (3) contagious

Do you have that speechless delight? If you create a new character in World of Warcraft do you get all 3 feelings? I certainly do.

Bob Bouwer takes it to another level and explains the impact of "wow" by defining as "If its alive, its meant to multiply"



Companies should not just focus on their brands having an OK or AHA moment. The brand must be on the level of engagement.

Enjoyment is just focused on developing products and service that meet the needs and wants of customers. Experience is more on the customer interaction with design differentiation between offline and online experience.

The brand must enable customers to self-actualize. It should address customer's anxieties and desires.

Hopefully, you would be able to consistently guide customers from awareness to advocacy and always end up in level 3: ENGAGEMENT.

Now is the time to WOW. Be the odd ball.

Wow...I'm done...

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